Sell My Car
The best way to sell your car fast.
Selling a Car in the Country
Recently I inherited a vehicle through the passing of a family member. Subsequently I was at a bit of a loss with how to sell my car, my old one that is. Given I’m located three and half hours from Melbourne my options to source car buyers are quite limited to say the least. I tried a brief stint of parking my car on a local street corner hoping to get cash for my car without much effort or hassle. The reality was the badges were stolen on the second day of trying and not a single enquiry.
I then tried a private campaign on a large car selling website. This site had lots of bells and whistles such as options for car valuations, tips on selling your car and so on. This generated a small amount of interest but as it turned out the majority of enquiries I received originated from entities in foreign countries. I’ve since learnt this is a widespread scam where an overseas enquiry is disguised as a local one offering to buy your car for cash on behalf of a third party. No luck again, well at least this time the badges remained on the back of the car.
Whilewatching the News one night a commercial for a car buying organisation appeared and it sparked some interest however the Penang curry I was eating at the time took much higher priority. A few days past and the lawn was growing around my old vehicle much faster than my enthusiasm for the whole selling process. The ad I saw for this car buying company kept ringing in my mind although I had completely forgottenwhat they where called, so I jumped on Google and typed in a few phraseswhich I hoped would allow me to find such a company. Cash for cars, sell my car and carswantedwere just a few words I searched.
Sure enough several companies appeared and I contacted three just to see what response I would receive. One consultant rang and offered a price although I was required to take the car to Melbourne, whichwould have been quite difficult, as I have no family to make the trip with me.
The second company gave me a range however never followed the enquiry through and when I rang to speak to someone about my car. The consultant who would be handling the sale was busy, which I understand, so I left all contact details however I never received a return call.
The final company, which turned to be the one I’d seen on TV, really knew their stuff. As soon as I logged my details on theirwebsite, a price range was promptly sent to my email address and although I didn’t react to this immediately I did receive several follow up’s which prompted me to call.
The consultant was very well versed in purchasing vehicles in regional communities and within 24 hours both parties agreed on a final sale price. The next day we completed all required documentation and payment was made in cash for my car. The physical transaction took only 10 minutes and my car was collected on the spot. (Badges intact)
I hope this helps all you country folk with selling your car.